I'm still shocked that an Orthodox Jew had to ask for donations to buy a new boiler on a "white nationalist" show. I mean... isn't this guy part of a proud community where all members help each other out and avoid giving money to the goyim?
@shortstories Well, apparently this one donor said he likes Halsey and the show wouldn't be the same without him.
I have to agree, the show would certainly be different without someone to stand up for Israel and male genital mutilation.
Halsey will never expose anyone other than himself. For years, he repeated that Jews just happened to be overrepresented, but the "Cathedral" wasn't about Jews. And now that's debunked, not one apology, not a single acknowledgement or reflection, just silence.
Will he will get shunned if he tells the truth
Hopefully he needs the money to prepare for the shunning and it hopefully is not another Jew scam
@shortstories I wouldn't think he'd get shunned, but who knows. Not a lot of orthodox Jews with youtube channels
If he changes religions and denounces the wicked ways of orthodox Judaism then he will get shunned
@Based_Accelerationist That really was a bit weird. It was like $100, right? Uber / Uber Eats for like 1 or 2 evenings and you got it. Sell 3 or 4 silver rounds. Pawn something.
@RoninGrey Yup, regardless of the value, it's odd seeing a member of such a community asking for donations online, from TFM's audience no less. But hey, it worked, so I guess he knew what he was doing.
@Based_Accelerationist @RoninGrey
But isn't it also a very stereotypical jew thing to do? Why spend his own money if others will?
@redmaple Well, typically Jews are the ones who lend money, I don't see them begging for scraps too often.
But yes, it's definitely clever of him. The goyim donors are what surprised me the most.
@Based_Accelerationist The stereotype is also they are cheap, tight with their money.
How are the donaters going to benefit from him getting a boiler?
If he exposed the evils of Judaism and needs money because he was shunned that would be understandable
But unless he is going to change religion and expose the Jews, how do the donors benefit?