
When even an Israeli Journalist is more truthful about his own country than TFM's beloved Jewish cohost who lives in the US and larps as a Right-wing American, you know something's wrong.

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@Based_Accelerationist To Halsey’s defense he is a inbreed retard so they don’t actually include him on the supremacy stuff the relegate him to low level Goyim control on the asshole of the internet

@Scubbie He's neither inbred, nor is he a retard. He's only Jewish on his mother's side and he's ironically one of the more well-spoken and smarter hosts on TFM's show.

Attacking him rather than his arguments, doesn't serve anyone's interests, except his.

He knows Zionism is about supremacy, the Jewish religion itself is about supremacy, as is often one of the goals of any religion that grows large enough. Additionally he also sugarcoats and even denies Israel's many crimes.

@Based_Accelerationist I think he is a retard and notice how he likes to derail the show with degeneracy to control the narrative and there is a high probability since he is Hasedic that he is inbreed

@Based_Accelerationist @Scubbie They always attack his arguments with facts.

But he start speaking jewish bullshit so now many do not even try to argue when he as the jew is the one attacking everybody.

So they attack him for it because they know that arguments are meaningless with the retarded inbreed jew :happyjewishmerchant: :israel: :happyjewishmerchant:

On TFM show there were many that tryed to do so but jews are jews.

@Stahesh I haven't seen many people, other than TFM occasionally, shut down Halsey with facts and logic. Just remember they like it when their opposition attacks them for being Jewish and they use that to their advantage.

Still, it's not about changing Halsey's mind, he's a zionist, it's about countering his arguments and preventing other people from falling for them. Attacking him directly (on the internet no less) is pointless.

@Based_Accelerationist That Israeli leftist is condemning his government for the genocide it’s committing. While a British right-wing faggot loves Israel more than actual Israelis, how fucked up can you be to be this much of a JewCum addict? I don’t understand why these British cunts and Americans retards care about Palestine, a land with little significance to the average Brit and Murican, and why they ruin their countries so Jews can settle there. He is an “atheist” that love Jews.

@Based_Accelerationist What the fuck is Christian atheist? Is he an atheist because he is a faggot? I mean, Steven Crowder is a faggot, but he isn’t an atheist. Crowder goes to church on Sunday and gets his ass stretched on Friday.

@Indignation They're paid and promoted to defend the elite's interests. He would probably be nothing without that Jewish money. They're whores, they sell everyone, including themselves, for a little money and power.

I don't think he's either an atheist or a christian, he's really just a whore, he's whatever he needs to be to appeal to the right people, so no wonder you can't get a straight answer from him.

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