
Devon Stack recently compiled a lot of damning information on Trump, his allies, his family and their many Chabad connections. If you think he's going to "betray the Joos", then this should dispel those fantasies for good. If you can stomach one of TFM's streams, this should be easy, plus it's far more educational. No excuses. Too bad he didn't release it before the election, even though I know it's hopeless for the normies in the manosphere.

Begins at 8:53:

@Scubbie @Based_Accelerationist His entire collection is on odysee. Definitely worth seeing. He really goes deep into a lot of subjects, specially the jews' agenda.

@Zeb @Based_Accelerationist @Zeb @Based_Accelerationist I think Rumble is a Honeypot and Jews just bought Odyssey so I am conflicted

@Zeb @Scubbie Yup, he has one of the best channels, I've found, dedicated to documenting in detail how the Jews took over America. Some episodes are more laid back, others more serious and in depth, but all informative.

And will any of the Trump apologists here even bother doing their research, even if it's spoon fed to them? Will TFM ever acknowledge any of this? Nope. Yet they act as if they're authorities on these subjects.

@Based_Accelerationist @Zeb This is the second video of his I have digested, excellent analysis,a look at history of international modern Jewery effect over generations and How Americans are clueless

@Based_Accelerationist In Trump we Trust. Trump already stopped the world conflicts before coming back to office.

The majority of Jews voted for Kamala, you think Trump is the kind of guy who would forget that?

Jews wanted to kill Trump twice!! God shielded Trump from those nasty bullets.

Trump will save the dollar. Trump will save the economy. Trump will save America.

He will stop Putin and Xi with one phone call. You will watch and see the beauty of Trump.

@CaseOh Meh, I've seen worse one hour old troll accounts. Ironically, you don't sound much different from TFM or some of his followers, so you still blend in well enough. If I were you, I'd mention the rapture too, or reptilians, something that'll make you stand out a little.

@Based_Accelerationist I see where this is going. Are you a Jew? You sure act like one. You accused me of being a troll while you are the one who's trolling. You project your love of your people on President Trump. (Jewish behaviour)

Think about this for a second. Trump was betrayed by Jews in 2020. Jews stole the 2020 election. They tried to cancel him, put him in jail, and finally, when all failed, they tried to assassinate him.

He dogged the bullet and shouted FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

@CaseOh I like it, you should comment that under TFM's videos/posts. That's the kind of narrative his content needs to be associated with. Emphasize the part about "god helping Trump dodge the bullet" and maybe add that he also healed his ear.


Watching your Trump Derangement Syndrome get worse as time goes on has been hugely entertaining.

The next 4 years is going to be fun. Keep up the good work, you got this!

@UncleIroh The only TDS is your Trump Dick Sucking, which would be entertaining... if it wasn't so gay.

Have some dignity Christian. Be the moral person Jesus would want you to be, admit your predicitons were wrong and watch the video, if only so you can see why you were so off the mark.

And the next 4 years will indeed be fun. I'm all for depopulating America and Trump is at the center of this "war with Iran" plan, which will inevitably escalate into WW3 and accomplish just that.


Hahaha, attaboy! You get a special headpat from Adam Greensperg.

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