After 3 weeks of isolating variables, I determined that my supplements are more important than my fasting. It's all about managing my insulin, which is key to weight management, especially if you're not especially active.

The most unusual one is Ceylon Cinnamon, Apple Cider Vinegar, Turmeric, and Ginseng. The other ones are just fiber, omega 3s, and nutrients like calcium, magnesium and zinc.

Here is the link to the cinnamon one :

@Tfmonkey how about you stop making excuses and increase your exercise routine.

100 push ups a day is all it takes and you can do that in less than 10 minutes

10 minutes is literally all that it costs you to get fit

@37712 @Tfmonkey i guess we have to have a gymbro convo about this

This solution is shit. Pushups, by themselves, like an unbalanced diet, will lead to long-term problems. It will lead to a tight chest & front delts. This will promote internal rotation and hunching forward in a poor posture. Whatever chest & front exercises you do, do DOUBLE in the back. If TFM has to commit to pushups, he'll have to commit to much more for the sake of balance. You're wasting time trying to get TFM working out.

@ButtWorldsMan @37712 I do weights 3X a week. I did hammer curls and shoulder presses today.

When you get to be 40+ you need to do a little more than pushups to avoid gaining weight.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan @37712 I'm going to be the cardio fag in this convo, and advocate for that. Don't skimp cardio


@Mike_Microwave @Tfmonkey @37712 He allegedly has a stationary bike in his place. The heart is a muscle like any other. Get that bitch pumping.

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