@Tfmonkey, Sargon and Shadiversity both believe that people who get welfare shouldn't vote.
We're getting there.

rumble.com/v3htxwm-the-podcast (It's a 1:45:22 long, but worth a listen; the first two segments sound like stuff you'd be talking about -- men thinking about Rome while women don't think, and thots being thots on Onlyfans)

@DoubleD @Tfmonkey I'm not bragging, but i am in sargon's discord DMs feeding him these kinds of ideas like a devil on his shoulder. Angel, actually, since they're good ideas. The more experience sargon has with the world, and the more degeneracy he sees, the more receptive he is to these solutions.

@ButtWorldsMan @DoubleD maybe I should go over my net taxpayer system for repackaging tonight.

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