Celestina dressed up as Angela from Lobotomy Corporation. An AI secretary.


@DicusMaximus @Tfmonkey Draw a TFM pokemon hanging off her or standing around her feet and you can ship it in the next cash gr- pokemon game.

@DicusMaximus @ButtWorldsMan 1. why am I wearing a poop emoji hat?

2. chimps don't have tails.

@Tfmonkey @DicusMaximus your name does. How many times do I need to highlight your fraudulent nature, old man?

@marlathetourist @Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan 1: The poop is the source of your power. 2: The tail is a butt plug sex toy.

@Tfmonkey @DicusMaximus @ButtWorldsMan i think it's suppose to be son Goku from Journey to the West (not DBZ)
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