I love how the West is calling for genocide right after exhausting their militaries and losing in Ukraine.

Did they not JUST underestimate their opponents and get their shit pushed in?

This does prove my theory that Russia could have ended the conflict by threatening to give Iran nukes if NATO didn't fuck off.

Look at how quickly America went from "we're out of weapons, we need to freeze the conflict" to "genocide everyone!" instantly when their precious Jews were threatened.

@Tfmonkey "In a very roundabout hedge maze puzzle loop de loop logic kinda way, I was right."

Russia was never going to allow israel to be threatened with nukes, goy.

@Tfmonkey back the fuck up a true visionary is coming through

Buttworldsman: predicts Israel would not cower and would only become more rabid and violent

Israel: becomes more violent and genocidal in response to threats.

I need to lie down. Being so correct in my analyses is tiring me out.


Hey @MrpoopyButhole, look, he did it again. The lengths he'll go to to cope with his predictions not being correct.

We're now at retroactively shifting goalposts.

Reminder that the original prediction was that the kikes in Biden's cabinet would react with fear and cowardice and demand peace if israel was threatened by iran. NOT that they would be more aggressive and demand more blood.

@ButtWorldsMan @MrpoopyButhole Israel isn't being threatened with nukes and certain death.

It's interesting how they're going total war on the Palestinians as if this won't boomerang back onto them.

These are different scenarios, but I am surprised how quickly everyone became eager to bring genocide back.

@Tfmonkey @MrpoopyButhole Maybe this is too hopeful, but I once told Sargon my ultra hot take to ending the Israel Palestine conflict is a no-shit genocide and the wiping out of all palestinians.

Why preference for israel? They're the nuclear power and are more capable of accomplishing that possibility.

@ButtWorldsMan @MrpoopyButhole The issue is that if Israel "final solutions" the Palestinians, then they lose all moral right to exist.

I'm okay with that, but I don't think they've thought this all the way through.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan @MrpoopyButhole Is'nt that a 'hypocrisy of the left fallacy'? Assuming that the news will even cover the destruction of Palestine.


@mrhorsetwat @Tfmonkey @MrpoopyButhole My lardo in christ, the west's government propaganda faggots won't matter. The blowback won't come from the fucking west. Israel is literally surrounded by the blowback. What their genocide will likely effect related to the west is how eagerly they're supported.

@ButtWorldsMan @mrhorsetwat @Tfmonkey @MrpoopyButhole Yeah, the thing about Israel's position is if they lose it is over. For the Palestinians if they lose it is over. At least whenever the next no shit conflict was going to happen. Neither can really take any ground or give it because well.. either is in the position for genocide.

Only reason Israel is still around likely is nukes and they had a relatively modern system and strong US. Those are not either so advanced or strong anymore.

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