@Tfmonkey, I do believe you called it?

The DHS is now allowing Israeli citizens and nationals to stay in the US for "up to" 90 days without a Visa as part of ESTA. How much do you want to bet that this gets extended?

The next step would be for them to start clamping down on the border, I believe you said, but you'll have to remind me of what you said would follow that.

source: dhs.gov/news/2023/10/19/dhs-an


@DoubleD @Tfmonkey
Good thing I'm around to make sure Monke only gets credit he deserves.

Israel at war < -- we are here
Step 1: israel loses war <‐‐ hasn't happened
Step 2: they move jews to the west
Step 3: they start removing muslims <-- this will not happen en masse

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