@Tfmonkey Remember your original prediction about israel being flattened and them all coming to the west? Cancel that. They want to move all the niggers and mudslimes to the west instead.

That's the problem with israeli tourists having undue influence over our government. Their primary concern is their precious faggot homeland. Everyone else is just a landfill to them.



>greatest ally

More like greatest garbage dump

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

If all the fake Jews moved to Israel and they deported everyone else out of Israel

I would be 100% ok with that as long as all the fake Jews leave all the other countries in the world

It would be an improvement

I do not know what you have against black people

When they are not under the influence of the counterfeit Jews they behave much better

I would rather have a person with overt obvious violence who can be arrested then a sneaky person in my neighborhood

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