A "leak." Otherwise, we would've never seen it.

We finally have the trannyfesto.

Here's the trannyfesto. @Tfmonkey

@VooDooMedic you'll be interested to know that the tranny was specifically trying to kill white people. White kids. Now after reading this go find the police cam video and watch that again. Took the 2 minutes to locate and riddle the troon scum with bullets.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic this is so generic why would the government want to hide this, either its fake or you guys were chasing after nothing. Columbine killers had a similar sort of manifesto.

@kirby @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey it also seems way too short its not even a manifesto it's just a "to do list" kinda pathetic for a school shooter hating on white kids surely you have more to say then "fuck those rich crackers"

@VooDooMedic @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey it could also be that this entire thing was planned on a whim, which I'm sure other sorts of shooters have done as well, but this is still incredibly suspicious
@kirby @ButtWorldsMan wtf... standing by for more docs then. Otherwise it's far too tame and not enough imo the have hidden it. There has to be more.
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