Pope CommieFag, the mask is so fully off now.

From totally based, to jew-cum guzzling commie in 100 years. smh.


@UncleIroh i like how it started sus at first. "Oh yea god loves atheists they're cool too," so says the pope. Great, I've already won by default, while the christcucks who devote themselves to the religion waste their time praying and following rules.

Then he says faggots are welcome. Then he welcomes trannies. And now it's just blatant regurgitation of globohomo propaganda.

The papacy is nothing but a fucking joke.


Eastern Orthodoxy is doing gangbusters as believers wake up to the degenerate Protestant heresy and WEF infested Roman Catholic Church.

@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan what a degenerate pedophile crapshoot the catholic community has become

@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan We knew that centralisation of the church would be a problem since 1054. Squeeze the pope and the church becomes a joke.

@mrhorsetwat @ButtWorldsMan

Not only that, but Orthodoxy's decentralized model was battle tested by murderous Jews who wanted to genocide them for over 70 years in the USSR.

It has taken some big hits, but survived the toughest battles so far.

@UncleIroh 95% of all holocaust victims come from territories controlled by the USSR. What do you think about that?


I think you should read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's book "200 Years Together" in the original Russian if you can get a copy.

It's banned in English.

@UncleIroh That is only part one, there is part 2 as well, the soviet period.


I'm going to have to wait for an English translation since I can't read Russian.

Hopefully it will happen.

@UncleIroh I can access the link that you gave me no problem. The 20.6MB one.

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