@ButtWorldsMan If you're going to turn yourself into a human torch, at least go on a hugging spree.

@ButtWorldsMan Can we be sure this Is just an AI testing video to see How many people can figure out. I don't I saw The video for me Is a least suspicious (Not going to state Is Fake Yet)

@ButtWorldsMan Misstype The "don't" Mastodon don't allow to change The text

@ButtWorldsMan I'll never get these people that suicide themselves and let the guilty roam free.
The only thing keeping my ex-wife, some scummy people and a lot of local politicians alive is the fact I haven't decided to call it quits yet.

@ButtWorldsMan First Gonzalo, now this guy. Why do you find self-sacrifice so amusing?

It's one thing when an NPC has SADS, it's another when a martyr gives up his life for a cause. His death was NOT in vain. Not only did he bring attention to Israel's crimes, his death also served as a moral reminder to other soldiers that what they're doing is wrong. Sometimes that's all it takes to make NPCs think.

He represents the 1% of the military that aren't mercenaries and we're mocking him?

@Based_Accelerationist you could've put the fire out with your tears and saved him.

@ButtWorldsMan You say you're emotionally removed from these events. So am I.

The difference is, I understand that mocking the very few people on this planet who won't comply with tyranny, only helps the tyrants. You're doing the same as the official Mossad account on Twitter, they too laughed at the guy for killing himself.

Instead of laughing, you should encourage more martyrs in the military. Better they kill themselves and send a message than to comply.

Be rational, like you claim to be.

@Based_Accelerationist okay, burny bro. The more self-righteously you moan about my behavior, the more I disregard anything you say.

You're right, he didn't die in vain. He died giving us new memes to use to laugh at him.

@ButtWorldsMan Whenever I offer a rational argument and get an emotional response in return, I can only assume one of two things...

One of them I think you already know.
The other would be you're sympathetic to the other side.

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