Normies solution to Japan's fertility crisis. continue to indulge in their solipsistic egalitarian fantasies and go extinct or take their rights away? I wonder what Japanese men's choice would be.

@Pain66 hellow fellow Japanese, why Yes the nation of japan should import african and muslim men of fighting age specially palestinias.

Why yes I am a jewish Japanese, why do you ask

You are an anti-zemite, nazy

@37712 @Pain66

This proves Uncle Ted was at least partially right:

"The Industrial Revolution and its Consequences have been a Disaster for the Human Race"

Forget his batshit solutions & the bombings. Focus on his descriptions of the problem and now he sounds like a godamn prophet.

Japan: non-Christian, non-Western, homogenous, xenophobic, highly intelligent, technological & yet still demonstrates the same key issues the West does when they give their women education, work & voting rights.


@UncleIroh @37712 @Pain66 Isn't Ted conflating the industrial revolution with women's liberation though? You don't HAVE to let women vote to have steam power or electricity.

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@DoubleD @37712 @Pain66

Kind of.

The argument is that technology makes us comfortable, weak and abundant. it makes us want to do stupid shit like pushing against the things that constrain us, like giving bitches rights.

and then like a sweater with loose threads, we pick at it until it's no longer a sweater. now we're cold as fuck.

his point was that technology ALWAYS leads to a weak society and ideas like feminism at a high enough level.

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