@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey @mrhorsetwat I was listening to the Saturday show, and I need to make mention of something: good potatoes, good bread, and good rice are not just filler, and they don't taste the same. I will grant that most commercially available products such as your average Russet potatoe or your generic white bread at Aldi, don't taste very good and are used by the masses as vehicles for other products such as meats and vegetables.


@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey @mrhorsetwat ..., but homegrown Kennebec or other heirloom varieties of potatoes or homemade rye bread/whole wheat sourdough are above and beyond being just vehicles for other things. Even rice can be eaten enjoyably by itself without any sauce or toppings if it is prepared correctly and is of good quality.

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