I was thinking about the conversation on the MC about how do you start a community, and you need something other than ideology that binds people. You need a common culture, a religion or particular practice, and a philosophy that can bind people.

Is this a perfect solution? No. You could join one of the existing patriarchal communities, but you must live by their slavish morality.

If you won't join a herd and you can't make existing families patriarchal, then you have to act on the only effective solution available, which is to make a community without females.


Your use of the word "slavish" here is 100% subjective. The problem you have is that there are too many people who disagree, partially or wholly, as well as those who only agree until they are convinced by something better, i.e. internet smackdown debates of 1v1 worldviews.

This is currently going on with redpill vs tradcon vs christpill vs islam vs progressive etc..

By today's standards, unless you can win over men in enough numbers through debate, no-one is going to follow.


The other problem is that your community will not only be viewed as "slavish" by outsiders now, but definitely by your community's next generation of kids later on.

It's crazy difficult to start an intentional community, but almost impossible to keep it going longer than 3 generations.

Whatever beliefs bind them, men have to believe in it under extreme conditions:

1. bad times, where wife/kids lives are under threat
2. good times, when abundance leads to corruption


Religion is not stupid, slavish or "herd mentality". Historically, atheism is a very young and arrogant worldview that has never held cultural power like this before anywhere and is currently failing hard everywhere.

Religion is 100% necessary for large groups of people to co-exist and thrive across generations.

If you don't understand that then go through history. It is littered with endless cycles of corrupted versions of religion emerging and failing, over and over.


@UncleIroh Religion is not stupid or slavish, I agree, and a sacred practice is absolutely necessary, but one need not be a member of the existing religions.

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