
This is why you do not fuck the Squaws.

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@Engineer The only message I'm seeing here is "don't get conquered by the British"

@Engineer No, if you had fucked the squaws, it would have had the opposite effect. If the dysgenic groups are winning and outbreeding you it's because you're not fucking their women, but allowing their men to fuck your women.

Also, feminism causing the middle/upper class women to have fewer children, while welfare promotes the women at the bottom to have as many kids as possible.

To conclude that "this is why you do not fuck the squaws" shows you don't understand the problem at all.

@Tfmonkey @Engineer This is the singular point with which I think you've missed the mark, though not by much. Creating mongrels, even "half you" mongrels will not produce stable offspring unless you're literally attila the hun and fuck their entire colony. Any singular child born will be attacked by your kin and his mother's kin.

Furthermore, their IQ will regress to the mean of both parents' races, and they will have no chance of organ donation if complications arise. All of this culminates in biologically atomized offspring who will resent you.

Alternatively, you could just pull an Argentina and kill all the squaws (not just the men, but the women and children too) and just have more kids with the women of your race.

@Tfmonkey @Engineer I don't think you're entirely wrong though, in a conflict with formidable racial groups, you'll be sure the women can produce productive people. There is, however, point at which one must ask​ "do these genes really need to be passed onto the next generation?" Abbos would take hundreds of years of interbreeding to even come close to a competent race, so at this point it's less headache to just wipe them out.

@veff @Tfmonkey Exactly, if you win the war then your genetics are superior, so why would you water down your superior genetics with your vanquished foe? Regression to the mean is the largest threat to life. Of the 4 hominid species, only two have high enough average IQ's to actually conquer space (Orientals and Caucasoids). And in order for humanity to survive long term, space MUST be colonized or humanity will inevitably become extinct. Africa never invented the wheel for a reason, and its IQ.

@Tfmonkey I 100% agree with you on feminism destroying and inverting natural selection. What I'm trying to illustrate is that fucking the squaws didn't work for South America and Mexico. There's a reason why these regions have sub-90 IQ's, and its because the Spanish did hybridize. There are in fact at least 4 sub-species of hominids on Earth, and hybridization's track record isn't much better than feminists track record. However this topic is too lengthy.

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