
Holy shit, he did it. Black Pigeon Speaks called out the J on Youtube!

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I still want to find the video where he talked about a survey

worded two different ways

1 Do you like supporting minorities

2 Do you like supporting minorities if it results in causing problems for White people

where blacks were less likely to support promoting minorities if it harmed White people

But Jews were more likely to support promoting minorities if it harmed white people

@Engineer Yup, I was pretty surprised as well. There's nothing worse than Trump winning. Unlike Biden, he knows what he's doing and he might actually turn the tide for Israel. Cuckservatives adore him and a Trump presidency will boost patriotism, nationalism and confidence in US institutions. This is the best thing zionists could hope for. How many, who would've resisted/defected under Biden, will fight for America with Trump in charge?
I hope Biden somehow gets a second term, but it's unlikely.

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