The christ cuck in his natural habitat:

@Engineer This phabb.o7 Zionist "Christian" is obviously protestant. "Christ cuck" is cope the intellectually lazy Adam Green types with little to no grasp of the Orthodox Christian theology.

@PatriarchsHittingMarks I prefer life affirming values, master morality, and an ontology that doesn't see the world as inherently evil and controlled by the devil.

@Engineer SeKo0Lar h0oMaNiSt atheist types have zero say on what is moral or just. If your claim is that Christianity is malevolent, then I must ask on what grounds and what is/are your standards on what is "wrong/bad/evil", etc.?

@PatriarchsHittingMarks Its a lot more fundamental than you're probably capable of really comprehending. It basically boils down to life affirming values. Christianity fundamentally rejects life and the world and praises only the afterlife above all. Attributes that christianity calls of the devil are actually of the ubermensch. The fact that you simplify things to wrong/bad/evil is proof of your lack of development. The ubermensch is beyond good and evil, inhuman and over human.

@Engineer You condescending tone does nothing but exemplify that arrogance begets ignorance. The worldview prism that you use to criticize Orthodox Christianity is not only inconsistent...but you, as a pagan, have zero epistemological grounding for what you may deem civil vs. evil/good vs. bad.

@PatriarchsHittingMarks Again, you're in a binary mindset. Good/evil. My arrogant tone comes from the frustration of having to constantly deal with this foreign childish mindset thats infected western culture, its nothing against you personally. There is no such thing as good or evil. These are illusions. There is only will to power. Epistemology itself is fundamentally bullshit, because its nothing more than an ontology to justify an opinion using rationalization.

@Engineer This only breeds nihilism and does not answer any questions. You relegate self to being plasmic amalgamations of cosmic stardust.

If you truly believe in no Creator, then you're willingly blinding yourself to understanding the well as ANY eschatological teachings.

If you were a logically consistent SeKo0Lar h0oMaNiSt/atheist (almost oxymoronic), you would ky family and self. Descendants of bacteria would LOVE to find me as faithless and lost at sea, as them.

@PatriarchsHittingMarks You're not saying anything I haven't heard before, and you're making a lot of assumptions (that are wrong) about me. Its all too trite and predictable. TLDR you need a sky genie to feel good and need to be commanded/told what and how to think to function at even a base level. But no matter how much it pains you, it is a fact that reality is without morality and exists independent of such silly human concepts.

@Engineer Your entire demeanor is the average boomer: "mUh sKy dAdDy".

Absolute adolescent rebelliousness.

@PatriarchsHittingMarks Keep worshipping a dead jew that compels you to prey for your enemies. See where such slave morality takes you.

@Engineer my claim initially was to test your faithlessness with the question of where you ground your morals from?

You then move the goal post when I cornered you to; "but morality not real when ho0mans not present." social construction argument... Total strawman.

@PatriarchsHittingMarks I answered your question. I don't believe in morality as a good or evil binary like you do.

@Engineer so you're saying everything is subjective. You're a relativist?

@PatriarchsHittingMarks Basically, but even then the subjectivity doesn't really matters because thats just opinion.

@Engineer you're literally a moral relativist and so self unaware in your rebellion against your Father, that you're blind to how the ideology you've adopted defeats itself.

@PatriarchsHittingMarks I am not a son of Adam descendant of Abraham. Your jewish laws come from a different creed and people than my own ancestors and do not apply to me. The only edict I have is to achieve the manifestation of the Ubermensch and thus the divination of man to god. You are forever a slave to jews, who think of themselves as "gods chosen people." The Virgin "We are Gods chosen people" Vs. The Giga-chad "We are Gods"

@Engineer The Northern pagan tribes were defeated by The Church for a reason.

You can go ahead and go back to your matriarchal tribes in the wilderness and fuck and breed incestuously in the name of your pagan deities, total chaos...I however, choose order and patriarchy.

@PatriarchsHittingMarks Matriarchy? What are you talking about? Hadrian enslaved the Jews, but failed to finish the job. I'm not into Asotruism, I'm far more brutal than the vikings ever were. I believe in dominance, wealth, vengeance, pride, glory, excellency, and exceptionalism. Christianity is a slave religion, even the modern elites of this world don't actually follow it. They use it to maintain control over the public, IE the slaves, IE YOU!

@Engineer Also, yes...vast majority of pagan tribes were matriarchal, and thus depraved, in absolute disorder, and disarray.


@PatriarchsHittingMarks Really? The Hellenic Greeks and Romans were matriarchal? Alexander the Great was a matriarch?
Julius Caesar was a matriarch? King Leonidas was a matriarch? Women weren't even allowed to leave their homes in most Greek cities, and they definitely weren't allowed to vote. Yet the entire modern christian world allows women to hold immense power and vote. You're not even allowed to have a harem of sex slaves under christianity. GTFO cuck.

@Engineer All deviations from my salient points and counterpoints. You're full of shit. Online LARPing...yappin about how much you miss when the world was pagan (totally disregarding the societal pathogens those civilizations produced... happening yet again, now that we've collectively strayed from God DUE TO jewish subversion).

Keep complaining about how you want a harem of slaves...which makes you no less of a beast than c0oMer Muslim degenerate swine that want their 72 virgins.

@PatriarchsHittingMarks I personally don't actually care for harems, I'm more of a ectogenesis kind of guy myself. But disregarding my personal plans, the modern world is cucked and afraid of even the smallest conflict because of its slave morality. Friedrich Nietzsche was 100% correct in his assessment. Do not tell me of martyrdom, martyrs who allow themselves to be killed and don't die fighting are cucks that deserved it because they let it happen to them. I believe in blood and might.

@Engineer I know what you believe...literal copy/paste atheist boomers that adopted scientism along with their relativistic gobbledygook.

"WiLl t0 p0oWeR, MiGhT mAkeS RiGht, etc."

@Engineer your reductionist arguments hold no water. What did being a "Jew" mean then?...As opposed to colloquial meanings?

@Engineer Odysseus, Hercules, and all other demigods are the halfling offspring off the one third of fallen angels who followed Lucifer down.

You literally worship abominations and edgy rebellious fallen beings that deviated from the singularity of order and are relegated to a state of perpetual friction and rebellion against Creator God.

You don't gno shit about shit and prove it every time you retort.

@PatriarchsHittingMarks You do realize that Odysseus was a mortal man, right? He did not have divine blood flowing through his veins. He was 100% mortal. He was never described as a demigod, he was a mortal hero. Telling me I "don't gno shit" meanwhile you don't even know who Odysseus was or his heritage. These ancient stories literally predate Judaism and Yahwism by thousands of years, so how could they be in any way, shape, or form related to your Jewish death cult?

@Engineer Fair point, finally. One on the board for you, compared to the plethora of salient points I've provided.

@PatriarchsHittingMarks All of my points are valid. Martyrdom is not to be revered or respected, its to be denigraded and laughed at. Always go down fighting on your knees. Jesus sets the example that its preferable to allow oneself to be murdered without giving a fight. This is fundamentally wrong and intractable.

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