"They" always do the thing. But, it is not exclusive to them. Looking at how the Mob formed in the US when Prohibition came about the gangs that formed were Ethnically enforced power structures in their territories. All of them were extraordinarily nepotistic and subversive (In the US on a city/State Scale). Their ethnic groups be it Italian, Irish, German, ect refused to assimilate and simply took up power via accumulating wealth illegally. "They" do it via media, law work, and banking.


@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic
This is just the most open example I can think of on an understandable scale. Significant national minorities w/ enclaves in given regions empowered themselves not assimilating due to their willingness to run alcohol, guns, and drugs. It is just that they had a massive sudden bump in accumulating resources. Like I said "They" don't assimilate and tend to work within places that easily accrue power. But at on point multiple states were controlled by ethnic Mafias in the US

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But the biggest thing I think that makes "Them" more targetable is that they're incredibly hostile to Gentiles and their scale of destruction to western civ is rather ethnically driven due to the West winning out over traditional communism, and ofc long history of rejecting "Them". Muslims are a bit more brute force about it which makes it easier for people to rally against them (Hence Bushite Era). A sort of subversive enemy at the scale now is new and makes "Them" a bit unique.

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