Due to fear of vaccine shedding, From now on I will no longer fuck bitches raw with 1 exception.

Goth bitches.

Which I won't fuck at all because they're so mid its not even worth the risk.

That is all.

@basedbagel At what point may shedding matter or not for us. At this point (outside of middle east and africa) it's pretty much a part of all 'civilized' DNA. I'm not gonna say that the shedding isn't bad, but it's rather a biological reality at this point.

@FinalDresdonation @basedbagel

As a non-vaxxed man you should never reproduce or have sex with a vaxxed woman.

There are tests that determine your vax-status cheaply and quickly so that avoids having to trust lying bitches with baby rabies.

If you're also a mudblood then sure. I mean retards need love & sex too.


@UncleIroh @basedbagel The tests would also be useful to know for future women I may come to care for.

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