TFM claims that he is not expert on Israel and Palestine.

While he was Intelegence guy who was in middle east where the history was being writen and should have the most informations to do his Job well.

Lol and claiming that there can be some points for Israel like Palestine was free.

So why need to kill Palestinians if it was free and Palestinians were not there🤣 🤡 :happyjewishmerchant:

Even normies and NPCs see through their lies.

@Stahesh Everyone is tired of Halsey's gaslighting. I don't know what's going on behind the scenes that TFM can't say a word against him, but there is a clear power imbalance between the two.

@Mongoliaboo @Stahesh

For months now I just think to myself "Oh, TFM's AIPAC guy's here again" whenever he's on. And then TFM proceeds to "Yes dear" for the duration like a bitch who's seen one too many backhanders.

I can tune it out, but It's also a deep insult to this audience's intelligence. Literally no-one buys it.


@UncleIroh @Mongoliaboo @Stahesh That's honestly the best way to put it. There's a level of borderline cuckoldry/knee bending to placate Zee Juice on there. Shit's so open and naked now. I don't mind someone around, but it's getting a bit ridiculous at this point. When he's not on it's almost a totally different show.

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