
when you saw people walking about with chin diapers in 2020, that's when most of us realized that people as a whole need to be ruled. individuals can be resourceful and smart. but whenever people come together into large groups, their collective intelligence plummets. yes, there are elites running the world. yes, they suck. but when you look at all the sheep around you, do you pity them? i don't . no wonder smart men of history wanted to be left the fuck alone.

@Justicar Women need to be ruled. Men follow men who bed women. Women bed men who they can receive the most benefits from, and once the benefits cease she leaves. There’s no love in reality it’s an idea created by men.

What is real in reality is where and what you put your energy into. The best investment is yourself.

@TenaciousGoat @Justicar Right, but men don't follow men because they bed women, they follow those with money and power, because they crave those things for themselves, same as women. Bedding lots of women is just a side effect of having money/power.

And once the leader loses money/power, his men leave him, same as women. They will also try to overthrow him and take his stuff, same as women.

Very few people love anything more than power and money, that is why the world is the way it is.

@Based_Accelerationist No, the world is the way it is because of nature; scarce resources and competition.

@TenaciousGoat When I said "the world", I didn't mean animal planet, I'm only referring to modern human society, which is very anti-nature.

Resources are no longer scarce and competition isn't about survival anymore. Those things don't explain why men trade their freedom for status/money, or the long-term for the short-term. Overpopulation and weakness do. Two things nature isn't being allowed to take care of.

Weak men are the problem and female empowerment is nature's response.

@Justicar Weak men follow men with more dark triad traits that rules them and smart men know that there is universe and do not care about people.

@Justicar Exactly, large groups are the problem, they always were.

Who enforced the tyranny? Who defends the status quo, polices us and threatens violence? Is it women, the Jews? No, it's men. The world if full of mercenaries who would sell their services to anyone who pays them enough, they will follow any orders and enslave everyone because they're greedy and amoral. This is why there's no peaceful solution and no way for individuals to solve this problem. Humanity really needs a reset.


I actually think the masks are sometimes a good idea but the normies would certainly mock people who would wear masks like that before the so called pandemic

Then they would insist they wear masks during the so called pandemic

And the same with numerous other policies that might help prevent the spread of the very dangerous common influenza that existed prior to the year 2019

They would mock people for trying to be careful to avoid spreading germs before the alleged event

@shortstories the only place for face mask is in operating room when someones insides are exposed. Such reason does not exist anywhere else. Get real.

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