
I thin iq is bs and asian iq being high is circumstantial. All iq tests are based on pattern recognition and simple math. Asian cultures use angled graphics which could mean they are more exposed to visuals that are used in iq tests whereas whites use round graphics in their cultures so in iq tests they rely more in actual intelligence eather than visual pattern recognition. Proof is in how large disparity is between development of white vs asian societies throughout history.

@Justicar Pick one: either IQ is bullshit or Whites have higher intellect than Asians. You can't deduce the level of IQ based on development without understanding the culture and history of a group. In short, China didn't expand because of their belief in their cultural supremacy and conservatism. Same with Japan and Korea, who were influenced by China's conservative philosophy of Confucianism. When Asians began to catch up, it took them only a few decades to eventually surpass the whites.

@Justicar If you believe IQ is bullshit and it's not inheritable, do you believe that Blacks have bigger cocks than Asians and Whites on average? If yes, it would be fair if Blacks are well endowed in their little heads and their big heads too. I believe in IQ; I just don't buy that Jews have a higher than average IQ. It's a lie to justify Jewish overrepresentation in everything.

@Justicar Look up Deng Xiaoping, who took power in the 80s and reversed all the cum-munist bullshit and modernised China from a rural agriculture-based society to the world manufacturer. 

@Justicar Also you are making the assumption that IQ is cultural thing. No it's genetic. What is Asian culture? Do you count Pajeets as Asians even though they shit in the streets and eat cow manure? Is American culture white culture or is the British culture white culture? So all the Russians and Poles are either American or British because they are white and white people have a monolithic culture.

@Justicar Another example of why high development can’t mean high IQ is the Romans. Meds, on average, have a lower IQ than Germanics. While the Romans were building the greatest empire known to man, the Germans were barbaric tribes that migrated every now and then for food, trade, etc. It was the Romans who civilized these barbarians.

@Indignation it looks like you are having a conversation in your own head with yourself. leave me out of it.

@Justicar You opened the Pandora box. You've been shitposting, and it’s free. I want to shitpost too. Why can’t I shitpost while you can? It’s my right to shitpost to your shitpost called the freedom of speech, or you don’t believe that shit?

@Indignation @Justicar Problem of IQ test is that show you how people are good with IQ tests

It is hard to measure intelligence with simple test.

and there are multiple types of Intelligence

His point was that compare to asians whites have lower IQ but most invetors after middle were white.

They invented many things in old times but in modern times they fall behind by whites.

Dick size you can see but intelligence is hard to define

because for dick you need only length and circumference


They also have a much more logical system of counting that allows them to reach very high levels of fast, mental arithmetic.

11 = "ten one"
12 = "ten two"
13 = "ten three"
20 = "two ten"


We waste time remembering unique words like eleven, twelve and thirteen. That's an inefficient use of brain power, much like QWERTY is an inefficient way to type.

I have no doubt that developmentally this helps to structure and optimize their brain in different ways than us.


Korean, Chinese and Japanese have a higher IQ on tests for cultural reasons because historically there was a tradition in China of promoting people based on how well they do on tests on the "Confucian" classics

So they have had a long standing tradition of studying for tests in order to get promoted at work

Knowing whether or not something was true or false was not important to them but only knowing what answer the test grader wanted

This is relatively new to Europeans

@shortstories you can most definitely study for iq test. There is limited amount of test types so if you know what to do upfront, you can easily score high. But that was not my point.

Generally with some exceptions

My point is they have a higher IQ because their parents teach them to study more than white parents teach their kids to study which is more than black parents teach their kids to study

It is not primarily genetic

Also Southeast Asians have not invented stuff as much as White people because they do not study in order to determine if something is true or false or if it works from a science or engineering standpoint, where as White people culturally do


Now why do black people who have white parents get low test scores if it is not genetic

The media and their parents and society at large encourage them to find the culturally roots of their bioligical ancestors

They watch media which teaches them to blame the White man for their problems and get a free hand out instead of studying and doing self improvement work and getting their economic provisions through means other then deception, coercion and stealing


Vietnam, Thailand, Laos have a lower IQ than Japan, South Korean & China

People I have met from these lower IQ Southeast Asian cultures are better at trade school skills like carpentry and know gardening, camping and wilderness survival type skills better but are not as book smart

If I was stranded in the wilderness I would rather be with one of these wilderness smart people than book smart people

Urban blacks are usually bad at book smarts and also do not know wilderness survival

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