I want to say I support the Palestinians, but they gave their women equal rights in 2014, so I'm ambivalently entertained.


Translation: "Whatever my personal beliefs, I HAVE to come out as not supporting the Palestinians otherwise the Jew-controlled finance industry will professionally un-person me. I will lose my clients, my bank account and my reputation.

Now do you want to blow your Jew-load on me or in me?"

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey It was funny, all of the people who tried to argue with me, I put the vast majority of them to shame, and hundreds of them were easily embarrassed as I showed them step by step that they had never even been taught to think for themselves, much like the scene from the matrix where Neo is confused why his eyes hurt, and he is blind.


@PordanJeterson @UncleIroh @Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan

I'm just for war. Blood for the blood god! Skulls for the skull throne!

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