Apparently it is true.
I am so disgusted by the simping for these Cunts.

I foolishly hope for the collapse. Knowing I may not survive, myself.

@sardonicsmile Well, I think it's touching because Japan takes its duties as a country very seriously.
I wish they had been a little bit smarter about this though and put her in a boarding school or do classes by zoom.

@Lorgar @sardonicsmile The smarter move is to stop allowing girl Enter work force and wasting they fertily window in collage and Make them starr having babies from 16 years old.

@VeganMGTOW @Lorgar @sardonicsmile

Time to go back to biology class and learn when girls can get pregnant desu


@VooDooMedic @VeganMGTOW @sardonicsmile Maybe she should have made her house into a brothel with a neverending orgy. (Those places need to be remote for obvious reasons). She would have made money, the simps heat would have melted the snow and their cum would have kept the rails oily and slick!

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