Apparently it is true.
I am so disgusted by the simping for these Cunts.

I foolishly hope for the collapse. Knowing I may not survive, myself.

@sardonicsmile Well, I think it's touching because Japan takes its duties as a country very seriously.
I wish they had been a little bit smarter about this though and put her in a boarding school or do classes by zoom.

@Lorgar @sardonicsmile The smarter move is to stop allowing girl Enter work force and wasting they fertily window in collage and Make them starr having babies from 16 years old.


@VeganMGTOW @Lorgar @sardonicsmile

Time to go back to biology class and learn when girls can get pregnant desu

@VooDooMedic @VeganMGTOW @sardonicsmile Maybe she should have made her house into a brothel with a neverending orgy. (Those places need to be remote for obvious reasons). She would have made money, the simps heat would have melted the snow and their cum would have kept the rails oily and slick!

@VooDooMedic @VeganMGTOW @Lorgar

Stop embarrassing yourself VooDoo.

"Girls generally begin puberty about two years earlier than boys. Puberty for girls usually starts between the ages of 8 and 13."

@VooDooMedic @VeganMGTOW @Lorgar

VooDoo. Every stream you prove yourself unfit to speak on anything, with even the semblance of authority.

Read the entire white paper.
Females generally complete puberty at 16 years.

@sardonicsmile @VeganMGTOW @Lorgar complete pubtery retard when do they first start bleeding do you understand what that process means?! As soon as they bleed i.e start dropping eggs their body is "BIOLOGICALLY READY TO HAVE KIDS" I don't give a fuck when they "finish developing" the conversation was on when the female can conceive a child and as ghetto trash prove you can successfully have kids whenever they have their period because that means their body is starting the baby making process

@sardonicsmile @VeganMGTOW @Lorgar you may not like this biological fact but fuck your feelings,
>Inb4 But her body isn't ready and the baby will suffer
there is no scientific research that proves that when the advancements in modern tech childhood pregnancy complications are rare if ever happen actually the babies come out healthly as well as mother because of the bodies ability to regenerate instead of being in your 30s and 40s and a wrong twist can take years to recover if at all.
Nice cope

@VooDooMedic @VeganMGTOW @Lorgar

Historically, girls were married off at 16 precisely so they could have kids as soon as they were ready to.
Perhaps I am "retarded". But what I am Not is a sperg who doesn't know if he had sex with a male or a female in a furry outfit. Also, I do not live with my mommy, yet put myself out as "investor class". You've got a ways to go before you start leveling personal insults.

@sardonicsmile @VeganMGTOW @Lorgar nice blog post that doesn't address any of my points faggot, try again

@VooDooMedic @VeganMGTOW @Lorgar

Again with the personal insult.
Voodoo. Hear me. You are nothing but a lapdog for TFM. You do not contribute anything to the show save your fake laughter and outrageous claims. Don't take my word for it. Read the chat when you start talking.
Ironically calling *me* a faggot when you admit to rubbing dicks with your mate...?

I hope you reflect on this and change your mind.

@sardonicsmile @VeganMGTOW @Lorgar see you're still bitching about "muh personal attacks" when you're literally doing that in the next sentence, and again you have yet to respond to ANY of my points and rather than respond to any point with any counter points or evidence to disprove what I'm saying you dissolve into personal attacks against me while also complaining that I'm calling you what you are being, which is a RETARD, YOU RETARD

@VooDooMedic @VeganMGTOW @Lorgar

I gave you a hyperlink to an entire white paper from Cleveland Clinic. This is the No 2 ranked hospital In The World.
That is not good enough for you?

I'm afraid you are a lost cause, voodoo. You lack the requisite personality/temperament to engage in higher levels of thinking. That is why TFM has to constantly bring you up to speed and tell you to stop and listen to him explain.

I would hope you reflect on this but you are far to rigid, in your thinking.

@sardonicsmile @VeganMGTOW @Lorgar

Lots of words and nothing about when girls become pregnant which was the ENTIRE TOPIC OF DISCUSSION, pic related is the only relevant information there is no mention of pregnancy or anything relating to pregency in the entire page, what the fuck are you talking about

@VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile @Lorgar Start purberty at 12 ends purberty at 16 years meaning they are mature enough to start having babies at 16 years old. Voodoo still put females at the same standard as males you still have simp Blood in your veins Voodoo try to get rid of that

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