I think I gotta start killing the people around me

@LysanderMooner how cum elonk dusk is such rich guy? They always say. Huuur I dunno government corruption????

Elon shut an air traffic department down and Starlink immediately got a billion dollar contract to provide air traffic communications

I'm so sick of this shit, Elon has already blown a hundred billion in subsidies over his career

Bullshit rockets aren't even as efficient as the shuttle program

But everyone is psy opped into going along with this Jewish technofascist goy destruction scam

I hate you all collectively and rue that I was ever born to share this planet with you

I'm really pissed zelensky hasn't been assassinated yet

It's all a show to shield pedophiles from justice.

It sucks when you're family is so fucked up you need a restraining order against your mom

American WASP trash

Trump is intentionally isolating America to piece out it's assets to brics on behalf of state Street vanguard and black rock while convincing Americans the collapse is a win

This guy's commentary is good

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Trump got Trudeau to grow a spine

Is his strategy to ignite a right populist movement in Canada ahead of Trudeau's replacement?

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.