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lol it's fun watching these weak, pathetic faggots (cuomo) try to distance themselves from culpability

Wait, this kike didn't get raped by Hamas... and gets a nose job in response to her experience in captivity....

Isn’t it weird they release Kate Middleton’s cancer reveal on a Friday? Isn’t that something you release on a Monday where people pay more attention?

@Tfmonkey Isn't it suspicious that NVIDA's revenue increased by 125% but their cost of revenue only increased by 43% and their sales, general and admin expenses only increased by 8%? Isn't it also suspicious that their inventory levels remained the same as the year before? Would they not pump up inventory levels to meet expanding demand?

Learning a new language to harass women and their simps is worth it in and of itself

I got bored again and made another chart. This time I mapped nominal Natural gas futures prices to reported storage for the combined lower 48. If you’re a hedgie that’s tea leaf reading and believe inflation is going “down”, these current prices match with what’s been in storage for the past ~5 years. Nothing short of physically felt shortages will break the range bound.

@Tfmonkey I got bored at work and decided to have fun with charts mapping out how overvalued stocks are based solely on yields. The blue line is the s&p500, the green is VDC and the red bars is 5 year treasury yields

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