The six million in the holo....

The civil war wasn't about slav...

The USS Liberty was intentionally attacked by Isra...

JFK was assassinated by the gov... hnnnnnng


At some point in every man's redpill and truther journey you just have to bite the bullet and accept that practically everything you've been taught is intentional bullshit and gaslighting.

The internet broke that spell and there's no going back to boomer levels of naive trust.

Even if those in power flood it with AI-generated people, deep fakes and bullshit, they can never regain the trust they lost.

I'd say reddit is at least 30% AI social engineering, maybe even 50%.

@UncleIroh I've encountered enough corporate shills or bots on xwitter to believe the dead internet theory is more than just a theory. We also know that federal agencies engage in social media psyops.

I've also seen screenshots of AI images on facebook get tens of thousands of likes/support. Some people won't stand a chance against the near future social media environment.


@ButtWorldsMan @UncleIroh you know I’m real because you know the government nor corporations would ever allow the creation of an anti-Semite rape bot

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