Fitness Update: I can't keep doing OMAD. My energy levels are too low and I'm pissed off all the time.

I'm trying to eat more low calorie highly filling things like eggs, chicken breasts, popcorn, etc.

I'm also doing weight lifting and less cardio. I'm still doing cardio 3X a week, but I'm trying to do weights 4-5X a week, but dealing with soreness sucks.

My Ozempic order has been delayed due to back order, but I will document how/if it works when it arrives. I ordered a 3 month supply.

@Tfmonkey i have no science to back this up but my gut just tells me ozempic cant be trusted. every other magic weightloss thing had some weird side effect and this is too new. DNP boils your brain. ephedra ,gives you heart attacks. i think it would be safer to use nicotine as an appetite suppressant.

@PapaPole It's not a new miracle weight loss cure, it's a years old diabetes medicine that just so happens to cause weight loss and has recently been given FDA approval to be used for such.

It's been around since 2017, so there won't be any "surprises" like with the COVID vaccines.


@Tfmonkey @PapaPole It was safe enough to give to diabetics. Diabetics have one foot in the grave already. Now it's safe enough for celebrities, who have personal medical teams monitoring them. That doesn't mean it's safe enough for you, a healthy man who just wants to reach his military weight again.

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