
So apparently Steven crowder was being emotionally abusive. He does come of as a dick in this recording. But what really surprised me was apparently he was the one that filed for divorce. Idk why he felt the need to lie about that, assuming this is coming from a trustworthy source. But I also heard the person that wrote this article was a massive leftist. Right now not sure who to believe so all we can do if wait for the facts.

@Pain66 I think in the video he is pretty reasonable. He do not want to give her his car and say she can take uber but no she wants his car.

He later say she never love him because she did nothing for him. She call him abusive. When he is more likely assertive. It sounded like he is pretty much done with her and does not want to be with her.

@Pain66 At the end of the video they say he said that "I will fuck you up," off camera that he admits that he screamed at her. If the last part is true that can be true emotionally abusive

@Stahesh @Pain66 - Personally, the concept of "emotional abuse" has never made much sense to me. It just seems like a convenient way to assassinate someone's character, because they told you something you didn't want to hear.

I do make an exception for children...and I only recently was able to clarify why. It's because they're unable to leave. So, I suppose I would make the same exception for anyone with an inability to leave a situation where they are being intentionally emotionally damaged.

@Stahesh @Pain66 - I doubt that applies in this particular case though (which I haven't really been following), because she seems to be leaving.

But yeah, generally, having hurt feelings on occasion, is just part of life.

@Stahesh I don’t understand why people think it’s abuse to tell her to take an Uber. Isn’t it just as bad for pregnant women to drive. Wouldn’t that be more dangerous? You can argue his reasoning is kinda selfish cause he states he needs the car for himself rather than out of worry for her. I mean who knows. One things is clear dudes definitely got anger problems.

@Pain66 I think he is pretty bad after watching UC commenting the video. I take back previous comments. I missed where they talked about dog medicine and that she wanted to buy groceries. He is pretty lazy and want her wife that is 8 months pregnant to do stuff which he should do.

@Stahesh normally I’d condemn it. But I’ve had feminist women tell me “pregnancy isn’t a disability” so it’s wrong to stop women from doing anything. so if they’re that insistent on protecting their ego then so be it.

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