
Why do I get the sneaking suspicion this is some revisionist history.

@Pain66 She could win duel with 3 men. Only if it was duel who will cum first or last longer.

Men she killed were unborn in cum she swallowed.

Or she was Hermaphrodite with mostly male hormones.

Another option she was he and he was femboy in 17th century.

@Pain66 I'm sure she's held up as a lesbian, feminist icon. There is always "that one girl" some guy knows who can beat "any gym bro" or "can beat anyone she knows at chess", etc. Even if I'll grant for the sake of argument that some lesbian born in 1673 was able to "beat them all". The fact that there weren't more example of such things happening shows that exceptions prove the rule.

@Pain66 Additionally, look at the wording of the post:

"She was challenged to a duel by three men and beat them all. She was a skilled duelist and killed or injured several men in fights"

Were they the same men who challenged her? Did she kill or injure weak or unskilled opponents? When were these fights? Notice how they are implying that she was a badass girl who took no lip from men, but when your start digging you find out that most of it is BS made up to sensationalize her biographies.


Holocaust revisionism is legit history

Feminists just making up stuff is not

Women can beat men under certain circumstances

The part that I find most likely to be fake is that they challenged her to a duel because she kissed a woman

Even if she won there would be an unlimitted number of men there to execute her for kissing a woman and burning down a building

They make it sound like she just got away with that by dueling three people

With the alleged witchtrials

No get away

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