
this narrative about young guys having low T is bullshit, " they don't have sexual desires. "

i get pretty hard with porn/hentai, if am not looking for relationship was cuz, the woman i wanted they all rejected, i was stood up on date to the theater.

even older woman rejected and worse, demanded me a young guy provided for their old ass.

so yea, my T is ok, woman just discouraged me of chasing them.

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@RodrickSage Exactly they are just gaslighting when they bring the low T stuff. The real problem is that feminism took away the enchanting spell that meat sack use to have of us men. Girls lost their most value assets submission, virginity and the most important of all youth a woman only can get a men interest from 16 to 22 and 22 is a best after that they are just men if they are in the working force.

@VeganMGTOW @RodrickSage


There are glowies here and I know what you're getting at but it makes us look like pidos to the untrained eye.

@VeganMGTOW @RodrickSage

Interesting take.

I always saw the low T as a nice way of saying you're fat.

EVERY guy I know that's low T is overweight/obese.

@RodrickSage a society centered around women will adopt the female mentality to blame everything on men.

If women have become undesirable, it must be because something is wrong with men. It couldn't be anything women are doing, it can only ever be men's fault.

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