
i envy does who could pull self-deletion. at this point, i deserve the hell fire, for even having hope things would get better.

i can't handle regular life, it's not for me, everyday i pray, for a world ending event or something.

still remember the pandemic fondly, i remember when Maria pass over Puerto Rico and it crippled the island to no end.

i felt like a hunter, when i went looking for food and water, wherever i could find it. going out and get the food of the day cuz, no fridge.

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@RodrickSage Damn same.

I wonder if all people just pretend while losing their mind or they are really OK with this life.

When almost all things are so inefficient.

There is no real work life balance.

Many workplaces barelly work. Most people that keeps it running have the lowest position while managment does not give F and ruin everything.

Hope we will enjoy the down fall soon.

Because I feel like cornered or cage animal that will go crazy.

@RodrickSage do iguanas taste like chicken that is the question?

@Scubbie @RodrickSage Google say this

In Central and South America, green iguanas are still used as a source of meat and are often referred to as gallina de palo ("bamboo chicken" or "chicken of the tree"), because they are said to taste like chicken.

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