@sardonicsmile wouldn't the same apply to non-Muslims generally... Unless you're part of their special club then they won't fuck around with you.

@crimsonrealist Well, Conservatives, in general, if you are neighbors or in the same socioeconomic class, will be friendly to you. Unless you are a single male. Then we all know how we are perceived, as a threat. Christians, especiall lybCatholics, Hindus seem to be private but if you have the same values and are on good terms with them, then they might accept you.

@sardonicsmile I hear what you're saying. But, all tradcons can go eat a bag of dicks anyways.

I know where I stand. I'm a bona fide MGTOW, with no fucks to give and all their mothers can stand in line to blow me.

Fuck 'em.


@crimsonrealist @sardonicsmile tradecons hate what we represent, them and their slave morality.

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