@sardonicsmile I do not see the problem with this.

I would rather be muslim than cuck christian or dick cutting jew.

@Stahesh @sardonicsmile
im sorry to inform you about the fact, that the muselmans also cut their dicks.

@special-boy @sardonicsmile I think it is not required like in jewish community. Most even do not talk about compare to jews.🤔

@Stahesh @sardonicsmile
all the ones we have here do it.
some even go on holidays to their home countries to get their girls mutilated instead of just their boys

@sardonicsmile wouldn't the same apply to non-Muslims generally... Unless you're part of their special club then they won't fuck around with you.

@crimsonrealist Well, Conservatives, in general, if you are neighbors or in the same socioeconomic class, will be friendly to you. Unless you are a single male. Then we all know how we are perceived, as a threat. Christians, especiall lybCatholics, Hindus seem to be private but if you have the same values and are on good terms with them, then they might accept you.

@sardonicsmile I hear what you're saying. But, all tradcons can go eat a bag of dicks anyways.

I know where I stand. I'm a bona fide MGTOW, with no fucks to give and all their mothers can stand in line to blow me.

Fuck 'em.

@crimsonrealist @sardonicsmile tradecons hate what we represent, them and their slave morality.

@sardonicsmile christianity is cucked as fuck, we need to adopt islam and kill the jew.

@37712 Well, Jewish are a problembut not to that extent. Christianity is progressive, to be sure. Catholicism, however, os rather.based. Not the same way Hinduism is butter Muslims are ALL about deception and abrogated. They do treat their females right and proper. I will give them that.

@sardonicsmile catholicism is kind of gay in the fact that priest are not allowed to marry so they become kid diddlers. Is there some other form of christ religion that is based and allows fathers to marry.

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