A bullshit job or pseudowork[1] is meaningless or unnecessary wage labour which the worker is obliged to pretend to have a purpose.[2] Polling in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands indicates that around 40% of workers consider their job to fit this description
@white_male @RoninGrey @Stahesh
The Abolition of Work - Bob Black
@white_male @RoninGrey @Stahesh
Bob Black's 1986 essay The Abolition of Work proposes a "life based on play" to replace work. He argues that work degrades workers through discipline and habituation, and equates work to social control and mass murder.[28]
Source - Refusal of Work - Wikipedia article
@white_male @RoninGrey @Stahesh
Not all black people are lazy
But I told the Fable of the Ant and the Grasshopper to a black person who is lazy and who also votes Democrat
He never seems to act like he understands the story no matter how many times I tell him
@white_male @RoninGrey @Stahesh
I strongly disagree
Most work is slavery to support Israel and other evil over lords but some work is necessary to support a good standard of llife
The percent of work that supports a good standard of life decreases as more work is directed toward employers who trace back to a power structure of people who call themselves Jews
@white_male @RoninGrey @Stahesh
Post Left Anarchism is endorsed by people accused of being far right Nazis and involves so called refusal of work
"In the mid-1990s, Troy Southgate, a former member of the British far-right National Front and founder of the International Third Position, began to move away from Strasserism and Catholic distributism towards post-left anarchy"
Post-left anarchy... including refusal of work
@RoninGrey @Stahesh
Bullshit Jobs: A Theory is a 2018 book by anthropologist David Graeber that postulates the existence of meaningless jobs and analyzes their societal harm. He contends that over half of societal work is pointless and becomes psychologically destructive when paired with a work ethic that associates work with self-worth. Graeber describes five types of meaningless jobs, in which workers pretend their role is not as pointless or harmful as they know