I was listening to an Academic Agent stream about why the UK Reform party failed and he blames "the Eternal Boomer" who has a NIMBY (not in my back yard) attitude, but otherwise doesn't care about what happens to society.

The Boomers are overwhelmingly women at this point (male life expectancy being what it is).

The "eternal boomer" is just an old women who wants to be taken care of and is morally retarded. Women have NEVER given a shit about abstractions like "order".


@Tfmonkey Big facts. That neighbor here who had a crush on me until she heard I don't like fat chicks and "the Jew thing" admitted the same thing when we used to talk regularly. She did not care about philosophy or the "whys" of things. No interest in history or the state of the world that doesn't affect her personally. And my ex has strong opinions on things she doesn't care to learn about even if she's wrong.

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