It never ceases to amaze me how little attention Normies pay towards anything. They construct a simple narrative that makes sense if you only listen to what the TV tells you. My Only issue it these morons vote. I also love how no one now seems to remember the Saudi princes that owned twitter before musk bought it. Ofc they don’t pay attention anything aside from what’s the tv tells them. I don’t care to defend musk on anything. But the sheer smug ignorance of normies is mind numbing. @Tfmonkey

@Pain66 they don't know what they don't know. They know what they're told and they seek the path of least resistance from there.

Thinking for themselves and being independent is a threat to their inclusion within the herd. They survive by conforming and being accepted.

@Tfmonkey one things I’ve notice is everyone’s very knowledgeable in their field. But once they start going out of it they have dumbest takes imaginable. That level of critical thought they used for their job goes out the window. Idk why they feel the need to trust the tv and conform so much. I mean this guy isn’t poor or weak. He’s very wealthy tech YouTuber. I think it’s a consequence of living a upper middle class bubble.


@Pain66 @Tfmonkey Emotional,group think and fear of being outside that narrative,over rides the critical thought pattern for the Normie brain.

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