New Deepfake VoiceAI's

Emma Watson reads Mein Kampf:

Ben Shapiro discusses the logic behind giving AOC cunnilingus:

Tucker Carlson blames the Jews:

Jordan Peterson thinks black neighborhoods are chaos:

Jordan Peterson doesn't like the vaccine:

David Attenborough observes the globohomo parasite:


Emma Watson the best.

JP needs more work.

But I'm really impressed/terrified at how good this is getting


I'm fairly sure there won't ever be anywhere near enough training data of my face, voice, writing style or whatnot to create an AI model of me.

Be careful what you or others put on public clouds about you.


Deepfaking is fun. It's also identity theft, and I take that seriously because others will.


@UncleIroh @basedbagel Ok,I agree it is fun,to make autistic fact checking Jews disprove your deep fake.I have a Inbreed Jewish guy I keep around just for entertainment,I told him it is ok that he is inbreed I got realitives in Arkansas I understand it is easier to go down the hall then down the street,He has tattoos he will never be buried in a Jewish cemetery less he disgrace it.He enlighten me Holocaust tattoos get a pass from a Rabbi.His weren’t they are globalist dog shit.Retard tattoos

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