Dark triad traits are winning traits, that's why they're demonized.

@basedbagel I have tried being more confident, develop a better personality, and being more dark triad and women respect me more when I call them out on their bullshit. But, that is it. Respect.
Some might act more submissive but that does not magically make them attracted to me. They just want to talk, play games, and a little challenge, at best.


@sardonicsmile @basedbagel Dude those triad women will get into your wallet,be careful

@Scubbie @basedbagel Well, they ALL get into your wallet, unless they are aroused by you, then they are trying to mate with you...

@sardonicsmile @basedbagel I fell that statement,I seen dudes take fat chicks to bars none of his friends will see him with her at, and she pays… dudes like to pay ladies to get laid
But me, I ain't no pimp (pimp), I just love to borrow
Paper from a fat bitch, a ugly bitch, a model



I was talking about business but it applies to women too

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