His Manifesto, as well as his other books, are worthy of examination.
Also, His brother is one of the worst traitors and should know no love from anyone who ever encounters him.
The man sold out his own brother for thirty pieces of silver in the form of a million dollar reward, at the urging of his snake of a wife. Few people deserve hatred as much as someone who would betray their kin like that.
If you're talking about the Unabomber idk man...
Dude had a great philosophy but killing random people is not cool.
The brother probably saved the lives of dozens of people so it's not really a betrayal.
If my brother was going around killing randos I'd tell the police too.
@basedbagel @sardonicsmile his targets were specific I think
@basedbagel @sardonicsmile maybe he reached fuck it after being enlightened thru MK ultra LSD experience and realized time is linear and this life is meaningless will he be remembered 150 years from now as being based or will Based Bagel be remembered
@sardonicsmile @basedbagel thank you for that
Based bagel cannot be forgotten because it's bigger than me.
It's a philosophy as old as time that will exist as long as human nature does.
@basedbagel @sardonicsmile The concept of competition goes against their intrinsic nature because they feel like losers
Idk an even when I was a leftist I was still competing.
I was losing like shit though lol but I was still competing.
These are just entitled weenies with no gumption.
@Scubbie @basedbagel I Agree. Random acts of violence need to be dealt with Swiftly. Perhaps overstated the post. Here is video of a thoughtful analysis: