@Tfmonkey Tuned in this week. Worth it.

TFM: guyz pls hear me out don't react emotionally u guyz pls just listen to what I have to say okay so here goes

blah blah blah

[10 minute long winded explanation intensifies]

... so that is why Russia needs to get Iran to threaten to nuke israel.

90% of people listening to your proposal:


@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey Being labeled an Anti-Semite is not so bad,and once you totally accept it the “Swastika” tattoo,on your ass cheek hand done by your Puerto Rican Proud Boy cell mate,with Indian ink and a Rat bone in federal prison will make you connect deeply to tribalism,as you practice exoteric sex magic every nite.Maybe you should let Halsey talk you down off this ledge on the Wendsday show,If he is not saving Gotham.

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