@shortstories It certainly helps, but that's not the main reason. Jews hate Jesus for themselves, but they LOVE Jesus for the goyim. They know Christianity is the most successful pro-Jewish movement. That's why Trump, Israel's favorite politician, wants to "Make America Pray Again". The only group of gentiles who are pro-Israel, are Christians.
All religious Jews want the goyim to follow Jesus.
@Based_Accelerationist @shortstories Jesus explains how the enemy infiltrate all world religions and governments and was murdered for it understand the Parable of the tares Matthew 13,The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared.
@Based_Accelerationist if you removed the tares before harvest it would destroy the whole crop roots and all so this is not tolerance but wisdom of agriculture so you won’t starve in ,Jesus is telling you that the tribe of Israel was infiltrated in this parable remember,Christianity isn’t a religion to be infiltrated yet and he was murdered so it could be he would be labeled an anti semite today those that say they are the chosen but are not couldn’t understand the parable either
@Based_Accelerationist This is not my interpretation the Bible is a history book if studied it can be interpreted but you have to look at the Greek,Hebrew and English translation for the root words because Hebrew words have 3 meanings and some Greek words have multiple,the Scribes guess who they were finagled the meanings for their own needs,control,Jesus knew they would do this because they infiltrated Israelite culture so he used parables to thwart them and expose them
@Scubbie Well, assuming that's the case, then those parables clearly failed and had the opposite effect after his death.
"You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews."
John 4:22
@Based_Accelerationist Parables are in affect here and now anyone can take scripture out of context and change it to suit man’s point as you wittily did,I don’t argue scripture it is not my calling,if you seek wisdom don’t count the Bible out as a source of history,just because you don’t believe Christianity,I read all sources or religions for wisdom even the Talmud,know thine enemy,but I would ask you study the parable of the Fig Tree with open mind of who the Kenites are do not be deceived
@Scubbie I'll accept your interpretation just as I accept everyone else's. I cannot claim to know what its intended meaning was and it's not at all clear.
What I can see is that Christianity benefits Judaism. It got rid of all "pagans" and replaced European culture with a Jewish invention that currently preaches all the wrong things. No parable is going to change that.