I've realized something awful, but it makes way too much sense
> Trump Assassin Failed
> Deep State Can't Answer Basic Questions
> Biden shockingly drops out endorsing Harris

Are they going to off a sitting President to cover their miss at Trump?

Solomon boosted

@Tfmonkey Does this get an "I told you so dance" on Wednesday's show. I admit I never thought he would get to the "Take Women's Rights Away" point

They are scared because the smallest of truths is destroying their slaves

Is he at "fuck it" levels?
Nope, he just giving up now

Kwanzaa is Communism and Africans prefer Christmas

I got blocked on an "Christian" Instagram page because quoting Jesus celebrating Hanukkah from the Bible goes against their "Jesus and Racism" stance. It's fun to watch them hide when the facts prove them wrong

Draw your own conclusions on what's needed, but they are not completely wrong. They are just missing the zippertits and nutrot

Unfortunately, they are not wrong. We have been soy-filled for the past century.
Our ancestors should have Order 66 the 66th session of congress and Wilson

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A club for red-pilled exiles.