@37712 Of course it is. God forbid a mainstream voice learns about the divorce laws the hard way and sees the truth

@37712 Dude, click the link
The time is roughly 10:40 to 17:00, with him Explicitly saying he's not getting married again at 14:40

@Tfmonkey I was just shocked by how close he got. Really close

@Tfmonkey MGTOW is one thing, but exposing patriarchy being sourced as the only way is something I did not see. I just hope he stays in the mainstream to get the message out there

Solomon boosted

@Tfmonkey Does this get an "I told you so dance" on Wednesday's show. I admit I never thought he would get to the "Take Women's Rights Away" point

They are scared because the smallest of truths is destroying their slaves

@Tfmonkey Sorry for my autism. Still, Younger isn't quite MGTOW yet because he thinks Surrogacy will help you. The boys were from a surrogate and his Ex has no genetic ties to them

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