@Based_Accelerationist @TenaciousGoat Unpopular Opinion. I don't think it's because they're Jewish. A lot of them are, but ((They)) is a means to an end, and would gladly subvert Israel(The pointless war and US giving enough funding to the hostile Arabs to just keep the war going kinda shows that). They want total control, and Trump is a Wild Card ever so slightly to their ends
@TenaciousGoat It would rob Trump of the Sympathy Vote
@37712 Of course it is. God forbid a mainstream voice learns about the divorce laws the hard way and sees the truth
@37712 Dude, click the link
The time is roughly 10:40 to 17:00, with him Explicitly saying he's not getting married again at 14:40
@Tfmonkey I was just shocked by how close he got. Really close
Your ideas are becoming too apparent
@Shlomo Yep. Sounds right
@Tfmonkey That I did not know
@Tfmonkey MGTOW is one thing, but exposing patriarchy being sourced as the only way is something I did not see. I just hope he stays in the mainstream to get the message out there
Americans have the government they deserve …
Link: https://teddit.net/r/Wallstreetsilver/comments/10ol7p8/americans_have_the_government_they_deserve/
@Tfmonkey Does this get an "I told you so dance" on Wednesday's show. I admit I never thought he would get to the "Take Women's Rights Away" point
@Stahesh That's not diverse enough. She's Asian
Just a white-pilled adventurer