Til most of you guys that follow me aren't even truly alt right.

A true alt right would be people like Curtis Yarvin that advocate for a Monarchy

@basedbagel I would choose aristocracy over monarchy.

Monarchy is good when you have good monarch or else you get Tyranny.

@Stahesh @basedbagel

National Anarchism is the only correct answer TM

Sure National Anarchism is inclusive of other answers but I insist it is the only correct answer

And if people are not calling you a Nazi then you are not Alt Right enough even if you are not a Nazi you have to be called one

@shortstories @Stahesh

I just google national anarchism and it has NO basis is reality whatsoever.

It's just like Anarcho-capitalism.

It sounds good but there's no way it could work.

@amerika @basedbagel @shortstories

Anarchism make sense for small group of people that are self reliant.

Not for general public that is retarded and dependent on others.

@Stahesh @basedbagel @shortstories

I cannot even agree there. Every group needs some kind of hierarchy or every decision becomes a discussion and people get neurotic.

The family pattern replicates across all of humanity.

@amerika @basedbagel @shortstories

Why group discusion making is like family?

Because family is people that share only blood and often they do not share same goals and believes.

I think of it as friend group making discusions.

People with same interests and similar believes to your own.

Do you need any form of government to tell you and your friends what you will do today like parents do?

Or that they do not like your friend so you should stop meeting him?

@Stahesh @basedbagel @shortstories

Sounds like micromanagement.

You need leadership, not government (bureaucracy) IMHO.

@amerika @basedbagel @shortstories

Like any friends in group are leaders when it comes to deciding what to eat and where.

You decide to agree with them or not.

Does your friend group need leader to make decision for all where to eat?

Are you unable to make your decision what food you want to eat?

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@Stahesh @basedbagel @shortstories

Avoiding micromanagement means that inconsequential decisions are not a role of leadership.

Your king does not care where you eat for lunch unless you are doing something like funneling money to the Chinese or eating babies.

@amerika @basedbagel @shortstories Why you need to have king if he is useless to you?

Do you need someone to check your friend if he is starting to hit on your girlfiend?

You will do it and your friend group will back you up.

@Stahesh @basedbagel @shortstories

Leadership is for problems the group faces, not personal life drama.

@amerika @basedbagel @shortstories

Leadership is personal life drama too.

Because it affect your personal life too.

I would choose rather aristocracy over one monarch.

@Stahesh @basedbagel @shortstories

Last line is interesting. I can see that.

Personal drama is stuff that is only personal. Leadership may affect your personal life, but personal stuff that does not affect leadership can be ignored by leadership.

@amerika @basedbagel @shortstories

Everything is connected so you can choose to ignore it. But it will not change its effect on things.

Same thing like normal thinking people should not ignore leadership.

Many moments in history are from personal life drama that are boosted by leadership.

Like king fighting another king for personal reasons that affect leadership that affect personal lifes of people.

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