TFM needs to give up weight loss hope or embrace his inner Butterbean and get with the Diamond Dallas Page Yoga

@Scubbie Fat is for survival so he needs to fast to use his fat that is stored.

It can be easier than to follow diet but it is pretty annoying to do so.

I when I get moment of hunger I fill my stomach with water and get some peace from wanting to eat something.

And the day after fast he will see that he lost some fat.

@Stahesh @Scubbie TFM Is F*"Cked in a survival situation he must be diabetic at this Time cause His Keto nonsense AND without regular access to insulin his days are number.


@VeganMGTOW @Scubbie @Tfmonkey If he goes carnivore it can cure types 2 diabetes so no need for insulin

Fasting too help with insulin resistance

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