Tell you what, I'll believe this assassination attempt wasn't staged in some way to turn Trump into a martyr, if the "Cathedral" actually kills him.

They have plenty of time, Trump has more rallies to attend, they can arrest him, poison him, heart attack him, etc.

There's no excuse for them to not assassinate Trump, if that is truly their goal.

BUT, if by the end of the show, Trump becomes president like nothing happened, then you'll know this too was fake and gay.

@Based_Accelerationist If they wanted to kill him he would be dead.

They have full system of professional soldiers or they can hire any mercenary for the job.

Not mentioning any criminals in the prisons or black market.

They have at least half of the world under their control and this is best what they can get?

@Stahesh I know, but let's give them the benefit of the doubt for now and say that they're this stupid. They could have arrested Trump again, but they were feeling lucky and employed some disturbed kid who miraculously missed the shot by a few inches.
Well, surely they'll try again then. Maybe they'll actually use their brains and employ a strategy that isn't so prone to failure next time.


@Based_Accelerationist True.

They are lucky that have at least one skill and that is controling people.

We are lucky that they are stupid in every other skills.

Because they could have won if they knew how things work

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