
Tell you what, I'll believe this assassination attempt wasn't staged in some way to turn Trump into a martyr, if the "Cathedral" actually kills him.

They have plenty of time, Trump has more rallies to attend, they can arrest him, poison him, heart attack him, etc.

There's no excuse for them to not assassinate Trump, if that is truly their goal.

BUT, if by the end of the show, Trump becomes president like nothing happened, then you'll know this too was fake and gay.

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If they do assassinate him

It will be very difficult to convince me he really died and that was not just another hoax like when people die in hollywood movies

@shortstories As long as he doesn't show up anymore and Biden wins, I'll be satisfied.

@Based_Accelerationist >it was staged


lets recreate it and you can play trump, i promise you wont get your top popped

i can tell you're a faggot who's never shot a gun in your life

@dictatordave Your emotional outburst tells me all I need to know about you, you're addicted to Trump's cum.
No arguments, just hormones and projection.

@dictatordave @Based_Accelerationist I'll be more likely to believe it WAS an "inside job," if they DO take him out some other way later, as that would imply they really do want him dead.

I don't see why "they" would bother to take out a guy who never blocks them on anything they want, though. He poisoned millions of innocent people for them, for crying out loud - at least a 1/2 million dead Americans, so far.

Sure, it could have been faked FOR Trump, also - to make him a hero - but a bullet to the ear would not make sense. A shot to his bullet-proof vest would have been safer (using a "light load"), vs than trying a William Tell variant trick-shot.

Meanwhile, we have millions of people on SSRIs, and a political climate that could easily set one off. Occam's Razor comes to mind. The best "conspiracy" angle, is "they" created the conditions, and just waited for that to happen.

I'm always open to new information, of course. Literally anything is possible, given the history of such events - especially recent-events, where numerous "conspiracy theories" turned out to be accurate information.
@PopulistRight @Based_Accelerationist i think your ssri's point is the most pertinent when this guy specifically

especially since his father is clearly some nut job that no doubt pushes drugs

i doubt we'll ever get a report on what was in this kid's system and because of that i'll just assume he had lots of problems

inside job, yes, staged for trump's benefit by trump, probably not, the inside job makes more sense because it only takes a few to just be distracted rather than people being in on some plot

@Based_Accelerationist If they wanted to kill him he would be dead.

They have full system of professional soldiers or they can hire any mercenary for the job.

Not mentioning any criminals in the prisons or black market.

They have at least half of the world under their control and this is best what they can get?

@Stahesh I know, but let's give them the benefit of the doubt for now and say that they're this stupid. They could have arrested Trump again, but they were feeling lucky and employed some disturbed kid who miraculously missed the shot by a few inches.
Well, surely they'll try again then. Maybe they'll actually use their brains and employ a strategy that isn't so prone to failure next time.

@Based_Accelerationist True.

They are lucky that have at least one skill and that is controling people.

We are lucky that they are stupid in every other skills.

Because they could have won if they knew how things work


"I accuse thee as a WITCH!! If ye sink & drown you're innocent, but if ye don't we'll burn ye at the stake for being a witch!!"

Same logic.

@DoubleD @dictatordave @Stahesh

We have our very own "Fake & Gay Dream Team" right here.

Introducing the characters:

@VeganMGTOW: "Fake! It waz Big Meet and cancer and reesons. Also I can't spell for shit"

@shortstories: "Fake! Trump never existed & if he did they faked his death. Statistics is a Jewish psyop"

@Based_Accelerationist: "I have a hate-boner for Christianity & everything's fake and gay because reasons."

@UncleIroh @DoubleD @dictatordave @Stahesh @VeganMGTOW @Based_Accelerationist

"He was a member of the Darwin–Wedgwood family, which includes his grandsons Charles Darwin and Francis Galton."

"Darwin had been a Freemason throughout his life"

"This work began in the 1880s while the Jewish scholar Joseph Jacobs studied anthropology and statistics with Francis Galton. Jacobs asked Galton to create a composite photograph of a Jewish type.[68]"

@UncleIroh @DoubleD @dictatordave @Stahesh @VeganMGTOW @Based_Accelerationist

"In the late 1860s, Galton conceived of a measure to quantify normal variation: the standard deviation.[52]"

"According to the records of the United Grand Lodge of England, it was in February 1844 that Galton became a freemason"

The founder of standard deviation used in statistics was a Free Mason who worked with a Jew to show Jewish racial differences

@UncleIroh Now now, if you're truly confident on your theory, as you appeared to be, then surely you don't think the deep state would give up this easily.

Isn't the deep state "almost out of time and desperate. They have already thrown the entire establishment at him and failed."?

Well, there's plenty of time till the election, they have six ways to Sunday to get him, why would they stop now? I'm merely following the logic.

@Based_Accelerationist @DoubleD

I fully expect them to make more attempts. It would be stupid of them not to, literally no reason for them to pull their punches now.

But what your test doesn't account for is the outcome where they fail to kill Trump and he doesn't win the election.

Sing it with me now, "fake and gay!!"

@UncleIroh @Based_Accelerationist @DoubleD

Is fake and Gay Donald Trump is part of The Cathedral and his rol is to be the Antichrist this August 4th he Will have the film name "Donald Trump Headshot" were they use Hollywood Magic to Make people believe that he got a lethal headshot declare dead but revive with his head a face wrapped with bandages like the singer of the weeknd.

@UncleIroh @VeganMGTOW @Based_Accelerationist I'm just going to go do something else and list this beaker bubble. Have fun!

@UncleIroh @DoubleD @Based_Accelerationist

Can't You just wait until August 4th I want to SEND everyone in merovingian TFM's I told You dance

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